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If Christmas is characterized by something, that is to enjoy good meals and dinners surrounded by family and friends. During these special dates we put on our tables the best selection of products always looking for quality and surprise our guests.

That if seafood, prime meats, Iberian sausages, cheeses, foie, etc.. But, very few people stop to take care of the detail of pairing these meals or dinners with the perfect wine to accompany their Christmas menu.

At AGUILAR WINERY we are experts in wines and distillates. We work with more than 3,000 references in our cellars and we can advise you to find the perfect wine to pair with your Christmas dinner.


In case you didn’t know, food pairing is nothing more than the perfect combination of a food with a good wine. Its purpose is to enhance and enhance the flavor of both products through their union.

There are usually pre-established combinations of wines:

  • Generoso wines to accompany the aperitif.
  • A young red wine to pair with lamb or veal.
  • A full-bodied red wine to accompany a roast or a stew.
  • The light white wine is perfect to accompany seafood.
  • A dry white wine is ideal for fish.
  • Finally, a sweet wine is the best option to accompany dessert.

As you have seen, you can more or less intuit what type of wine goes best with each of the dishes you are going to serve in your Christmas menu. Sometimes there are vintages that surprise us with wines of great quality and flavor. If what you want is to know what wine you should buy to succeed in your Christmas dinner. You have clear the type of wine you are looking for, but you do not know which one to choose. We leave you the recommendations of our expert sommelier. In addition, you can get in touch contact us for advice.


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