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One of the scariest days of the year is approaching. And we are not referring to the day of doing the quarterly VAT, but nothing more and nothing less than Halloween. At Bodega Aguilar we are fans of this day. We love to spend it with friends and enjoy a great night with some good cocktails in between (always in moderation, of course).

We want you to have as much fun as we do this day. So we have decided to make it easy for you by making a list of cocktails with which you can surprise your guests.

We don’t want to make more time, we just want to remind you that we have free shipping until October 31st.



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This is a classic that we cannot overlook. A cocktail, which some say, has its origin in Mary I who reigned in England during the first half of the XVI century and received this affectionate nickname. Our Bloody Mary burned at the stake almost 300 people in her persecution of Protestantism.

Moreover, in the Anglo-Saxon world there is an urban legend that if you say “Bloody Mary” three times in front of a mirror, the spirit of Mary I of England may appear to you… Terrifying, isn’t it?

As is always the case with classic cocktails, there are many variations of the recipe. Here is the simplest one:

  • 5cl of Vodka
  • 20cl of tomato juice
  • ½ squeezed lime
  • Tabasco, Pepper and Sauce Worcestershire to taste.


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To prepare it you just need to fill a tall glass with ice, pour the ingredients and stir. The original decoration is a stick of celery, but you can also use a few slices of cucumber.

If you want to give it a different touch, you can change the vodka for mezcal (yes, we love mezcal) and you will have an incredibly interesting cocktail as a result.

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If you are looking for a good vodka, we recommend a Bloody Mary Mezcal, our favorite mezcal is undoubtedly Los Danzantes:

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This cocktail with Hawaiian reminiscences is a bomb created in the 30’s. In a Hollywood in full swing, with Prohibition in the middle, people were eager to go out and have a good time and of course to drink some good drinks. And it was not difficult to find a few places that served them clandestinely, the so-called speakeasy. Here you could come to have a good time and drink whatever you wanted… but outside the law.

One of these places was The Beachcomber, where the very famous cocktail maker “Don Beach” created this famous drink. The name? Let’s just say that the large amount of alcohol in it can leave you a bit zombie-like.

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Like the Bloody Mary, the zombie is a cocktail that each bartender makes in his own way, since the original recipe was lost. Here is the recipe that we believe is the most accurate:

  • 4cl of golden rum
  • 4cl of white rum
  • 1.5 cl Brandy
  • 4 cl pineapple juice
  • 4 cl orange juice
  • 2 cl grenadine syrup

To prepare it just put all the ingredients in a shaker, shake and serve in a tall glass. You can garnish with a slice of orange or a pineapple leaf.

Here are the recommended products for this cocktail:

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Imagine your ship adrift in the immense Atlantic Ocean in the middle of a powerful storm, close to the doom of the more than 500km of coral that surrounds Bermuda… This is what the English sailors thought when they first saw this cocktail that awaited them on land when they reached the island. Undoubtedly a sweet end to such a terrible journey, at least for those who managed to get there without being swallowed by the ocean.

The Dark and Stormy is Bermuda’s most famous cocktail, so much so that it even has its own International Day celebrated on June 9. It is a cocktail that plays with densities and can indeed remind one of a sea. dark and stormy.

Around 1920, many soldiers enlisted in the English Navy drank ginger beer in order to alleviate seasickness, the most intrepid added a little rum typical of the island. Thus was born the dark N stormy.

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The recipe is simple:

  • 5cl of golden rum
  • 20cl of Ginger Beer
  • ½ squeezed lime
  • 1,5cl of Simple Syrup

Add the lime, syrup and ginger beer and carefully add the rum on top to achieve the desired effect. Garnish with a slice of lime or a piece of ginger.

If you want a good rum, nothing better than Plantation XO. In addition, this rum comes from Barbados, where it is first aged in Bourbon barrels. It then travels to France where it is again aged in oak barrels. Quite a spectacle.


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So much for our top cocktails for Halloween, we wish you a happy Halloween.

See you in the next blog!


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